Blood Bonding: Protector and Secrets (The Darklight) Read online

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  The next day, we asked Shin if he remembered anything but Dash never told him where he was. But he remembered an important milestone, talking about India's Wagah Border when he returned in a year.

  On this trip we were unable to find Dash. By now everyone was feeling bad about this. This trip to Madagascar convinced us that the mysterious Protector, Dash was both Abhimanyu, as the evidence of both was taking us to the Wagah border as Shin said to us. The Wagah Border was part of the Border Security Force.


  Lesson Three


  Even when we were returning to India, they were doing their job well. As we did not know anything about the border, he showed us some information from one of his Paper cuttings as notes to meet the border a bit. It was about the Wagah Border Ceremony.

  Every evening, BSF along the international border of India and Pakistan along the Wagah border and Pakistan Rangers along with the neighboring country border Protectors conduct military exercises while lowering the respective national flags. It attracts a large number of international visitors from both countries as well. Similar parades are held at Mahavir / Saddi border near Fazilka and Husseinwala / Grand Singhwala near Ferozepur. The role of BSF in peacetime is to create a sense of security among the people living in the border areas. To prevent cross-border crime, It is the BSF's sole responsibility to prevent unauthorized entry into Indian territory. Jawans work to prevent smuggling and any other illegal activities on the border. It is very important to carry out anti-intrusion duties. BSF is primarily working for internal security duties and other law and order duties as required by the state government. As a Central Armed Police Force, policing can be assigned to any place other than its command. The role of the BSF became very important during the war. Holding ground in designated areas, limited offensive action against enemy irregular forces ( There are many instances of war with Pakistan's regular army, even in the war of 1919. In the hot war scenario, anyone who stands against us must fight regularly or irregularly.) Law and order in enemy territory under military control. To maintain ,To serve as a guide to the military in the border area. Assist with the control of passengers, provision of escorts, perform special tasks connected with intelligence, including cross-border raids. These are important tasks.

  We returned to India but it was very appealing to go to the wagah border and find Abhimanyu. To add to the occasion, the tension in the India-Pakistan border had suddenly increased. It looked so clean. Relations between the two countries have deteriorated over the years. So for some reason tensions are increasing. But here the results are still serious. In the firing from the border, numerous soldiers were injured on the border, three of them were martyred. Abhimanyu was one of them. It was only when Gima's breath caught her. But she tries to control herself, her emotions. Even though she had shaved herself, the tears in her eyes were saying a lot, she tried to avoid letting us know, but her wet eyes were still so. Her love for Abhimanyu was like a wound for punarvasu, but because of this, he was nothing like a person who had forgotten his word or my word ,which I had given her. He was never able to slander, though and his mind was superb. He was also very tolerant because of the past, he had many shocks. So he did not want it to be too heavy to digest. However, both of them were very upset. But when I saw the pain on Gima's face, I was reminded of those close to each of the Shahid jawans,which means martyred soldier. There is nothing that can be better than a soldier who does the work for the country.

  This tension on the border was not getting us any information at that point. Somehow, we reached a senior and retired officer. But he too was not interested in this seminar because the injury to the country and the countrymen was irritating the officer. He must have thought we were journalists and that's why he started telling us all about it. Then we decided to listen to the whole meeting. The extremist firing was carried out by a terrorist organization. But there was still a slight firing. The Pakistani government was demanding to stop them and Indian soldiers were also resisting them. All the terrorists were killed in the front, but there were three Indian soldiers who were trapped were lying there in a critical condition near the border but easily shot. It was curious to know if the extremists were still beyond the border. In such a situation, it was necessary to save the soldiers. It was night and the soldiers were eager to search. Punarvasu took advantage of this opportunity and claimed we could find them. I had to say that there was some truth and idea behind this talk of him. Then I said yes to his yes as well. The officers were very happy after this sentence. He started asking questions over and over again. Punarvasu gave an idea of what he could do about it.

  The officer did not delay in providing the proper materials. The punarvasu made three small rovers that could be controlled remotely,, at any time, in any environment, even on rough roads. Made three small rovers, exactly the same as those sent in space, but their qualities were exactly the same. I knew this quality of Punarvasu and it still amazed everyone. We had less material, but the miracle that was done by him was truly wonderful. Because we weren't dependent on the big system right now. We had only three computers: the officer's home computer, his daughter's and our laptop. With a reorganization, it could be controlled with the help of a three-rover computer carrying out messaging. We broke BSF's safety, travel and brought those rovers close to the border. The rover was not noticed by the Indian soldiers nor was it noticed by extremists on the frontier. The rover was just as smart as the counterfeit. We roamed the area with great care. That good officer with the help of a computer; I and punarvasu with the help of a laptop from us; Nitya ,Gima and the officer's daughter kept watching the three men with the help of her laptop. At four o'clock in the morning, Gima, Nitya and the officer's daughter found all three soldiers in one place. The hard work we were doing was successful.

  We reported it to the higher official without delay for a moment. All three soldiers were rescued safely.

  The retired officer was named Chandrasekhar. Chandrasekhar greatly appreciated the inventing intelligence of Punarvasu about the small but effective equipment and planning used to rescue the jawans. He advised him to join the army and be jawans. So they were ready to help. But the Punarvasu was just as important as returning to his home. He tried to Punarvasu for a long time, but he was determined. Most of the re-invented qualities we were able to see on the go. Little did I know, but Nitya and Gima were wondering at all times. Chandrashekhar's daughter also had this personality because she too was aware of technology same as punarvasu. Her name was Talia. Talia was also aware of the technology. But here I would like to underline that if one comes into my life in terms of temperament , personality and ingenuity, then Talia second. Talia was beautiful to look at, but she was also an Indian soldier. She had never surpassed traditional thinking as beautiful girls should not go to the army. Despite her age, she was completely independent. She was paying for her father's other expenses and the entire household. At the same time she had fought numerous battles. But the hardness of emotions as a soldier was not in her mind. Taliya seemed so delicate, but firm, that I almost felt like a punarvasu, maybe. Talia was the perfect girl. Talia's communication skills are amazing. So within a short period of time, all four of us started sharing our thoughts. We had a very close friendship.


  We told Chandrasekhar about our problem. They stopped us all at their house. Talia agreed to help us find Abhimanyu. Every day, we meet people in the military called Abhimanyu, who are telling the mysterious Protectors or secret protectors, secret blood donors, dash, Abhimanyu and all the story. The charming personality of the Punarvasu was very touching to all, including Talia. She likes this unique Personality of punarvasu and she too fell in love with him. I was very surprised at the time that even Chandrasekhar knew. But he showed no opposition. Such kind of great thinking must be the norm in society.

  When I asked Chandrasekhar about this, he told me, "I am only her father, she should make her life decisions because it is her life. W
hen our genetic traits in life are passed on to the next generation, that is when the children are born, they separate from us, learn, experience various things and even transmit them to the next generation. Then they will have the freedom to choose a happy partner and to make the next generation stronger; to decide what they need to do and to test it themselves. They could become self-sufficient and capable. Even though I know that is appropriate, I would not have lost that claim because each person is different. Like her lineage, her thoughts are different and she is different from me. She should be given a chance to test various things like love as well as emotions including all those things which matter in her life. Then her next life will no longer be an imposed form. No matter what happens, her happiness is important and such happiness comes only when she receives the fat itself. I know that elders have this duty or responsibility too. But it is the duty of the parents to perform proper rites. It is unnatural to say that we should not love. Loving and sacrament are very different sides. By combining the two, people complain of sentiment and religion, decide sin. But this is not right. But all his life is to spend it with his partner. The only person who decides their relationship or marriage is to look outside the seminar, but on that journey in the valley of love, the flow is added to the mind. Love has more power than anything else. That love will last them throughout their lives. Love is always opposed in society. But I won't do it because my daughter's happiness is more important to me than society. I know, she is self-reliant and can make her own decisions. She can easily handle the crisis. Her heart is beautiful too. Society has always been opposed to good seminars. They want to be what they want in an environment that the community is comfortable with. We don’t want to hear what society says, then if people are afraid of what people will say, they will not be able to face the society, whatever the fear of society is; I say this because there is no such thing in such people. People trying something new are considered crazy. The people are condemned by the society but they are not able to condemn it so it is a disgrace to the society that all the people of the country as well as the whole world are blocking the progress of themselves and others. Because no one thinks of internal DNA more than the progress seen above. In society today, to love or marry a person of another caste, religion, region .It is considered a sin or a stigma. But if I ask, it's “evolution”. These donkeys in the community do not even know the simple rule of evolution; they are the ones who have never loved themselves because they too are caught up in the whirlwind of society's thinking and teach the next generation the same unadulterated task. But they don't even know that they have never been able to shape gold ornaments without putting copper in it or mixing other metals. precious jewelry can only be created if one of our castes or religions mixes with another . As soon as the DNA of two societies is combined, a new trait will begin to flow in that community, the defects are fixed, the disease, the research proves that the genetic defects of the same disease are caused by the person being killed in the same society for generations. Some medical science can't be recovered yet but we can erase the flaws. In the genetic system, the virtues and defects are the same as happiness and sorrow, just as happiness is increased and pain is reduced. Even when the two DNAs are combined, the traits in our genetic structure are mixed with the DNA of a distant race, religion and a generation with more competent traits is born. On the contrary, the defects are covered or the capacity of those defects is diminished. But it is neither in the society nor digested in the society. That is why society is weak. Society is not evolving. But I will not allow my family to become a real herd. The right to love and to marry is absolutely Talia. Because she knows her DNA will complement her DNA with a defective mate. It's all about Genetics attraction. My intervention in this would be to defy nature. Nature is always doing the right thing”.

  Their thoughts were very effective. These thoughts are really needed in society. Only if these thoughts are passed on to people will people stop stigmatizing love. So perhaps his beautiful thoughts and qualities were transmitted to Talia, and frankly I could not see Talia's happy person yet. Punaravasu was number two in this regard and Talia was the first. It was probably Chandrasekhar's genetic qualities that made her effective and happy. I fully understand why loving and getting married in another society, caste or religion is so important in terms of evolution. Because they had such a far-reaching vision. This is the meaning of life. I too decided that I would make a decision in my life after considering these seminars .

  On the first day we tried very hard to find Abhimanyu. But we did not find any evidence. There was no one in the area called Abhimanyu. Permission was denied to visit Abhimanyu who was injured. On the first day we were returning to a depressed state. but for me, this is an interesting event. Talia was talking to punarvasu all the time while we were returning. The two had a great conversation. Punarvasu was unanimous in her intentions. She was succeeding in imprinting her knowledge. I also appreciated Talia's knowledge. Because she was about to break him. I could see Talia had been the perfect life partner for punarvasu. but his opinion for her is also important. It was a joke that Talia's successful attempt to make an impression on the punarvasu was tortured to Gima On this trip, Gima did not talk too much before but today she was talking to him at least something. But I still do not understand the exact reason for this. The reason may be blasphemy, jealousy, pride or love for him. But yes there was something going on in Gima's mind. She was hurting her thoughts. She was struggling with herself. So her heart was burning. Talia's fascination with it was bothering her. This was also understood by the nitya. She briefly turned her attention, trying to ease her grief. But still she could not see the mood of her face. Still not knowing the routine, she was stealing and looking at them. Talia was really great. Because on her return journey, she had taken great care of us by herself. Because nityaa also appreciated her goodness when she wasn't there. Nitya had been thinking like me for a while. She also thought for a moment that punarvasu and Talia were complementary to each other. By the way, she also spoke to us candidly and most importantly, advised him to think about talia. This was contradictory to both ;her current behavior and her look at Madagascar. I didn't understand this strange behavior. But hatred was no stranger to this nitya. It was a great gift from a friend. I too agreed to this seminar. When he heard about this, he tried to consider her. In the meantime, he knew the reason behind Talia's behavior, but when Nitya and I talked about it, he really started thinking about Talia. But Gima, however, was silent in the conversation and as she walked by, she walked away in solitude. Now Gima was thinking of him too. Punarvasu was once again stuck in a love triangle. I realized that I had a bad idea about the nitya, because she was asking himself to think about talia. Nitya was out of this triangle or it would be my delusion, but still Talia's and Gima's triangle was created with him. But in the meantime, the triangle of the Punarvasu, Gima and the mysterious Protector continued. The two triangles were still intact and the result was the same.

  On the first night, no one was sleeping, the new place was just an excuse but all of us were stuck in thought. Punarasu was still involved in data extraction and planning. So I left him alone and headed for the air. I don’t know what he thinks. Who will he choose between Gima and Talia ? And if Gima were selected, would Gima leave the idea of the mysterious Protector aside and come to him ? I was stuck with these questions. At that point I got used to it. By that time I got nitya, Talia had also at same time come on occasion . Gima was still alone. She was stuck in a very deep thought. Gima, Nitya, Talia and I all decided to go for a walk for some distance. Talia was asking me about him. She wanted to know his hobby ,passions and much more. She wanted to understand him more. Gima on the other hand, was having some difficulty seeing her. She was not saying this, but from what she later said, from that it was clear from her gestures that she too had now favored Gima and Talia's triangle with Punarvasu. The important thing was that she accepted as part of this triangle.

  Gima started talking about ea
rlier events about herself and Punarvasu. I knew this recipe, but Gima's side was equally interesting, she began to say. “punarvasu and Gima have never met before, he never talks to anyone . Because he was autistic and single-minded. But yes, talk to friends, feel free to talk to them and some time talk a lot. Always lost in our thoughts. Everyone seemed to notice his behavior. He did most of the stange seminars. Hiding a secret, never looked at the girls. Suddenly he started looking at Gima. The relentless laughter that was constantly being pulled to Gima was getting him serious. She Never understood this gimmick. She too was in a situation. But one day Nitya Noticed his behavior. When she told Gima about it, she realized that he was feeling something about her. But because of his strange nature, no one had such a strong opinion of him and Understanding him was very tricky. Everyone seems weird because he was always thinking something strange and asking questions to their closest friends. Even his close friends could not answer these questions precisely because he found them annoying. So Gima had a similar opinion about him." by listening to that opinion from others. Perhaps this is why he has learned to answer each of my questions correctly and well, because he did not get the answers to his own questions. I was convinced that he would see through me of the time, which gradually changed a lot. But history is proof that asking questions is good. This adds to the knowledge. Punarvasu didn't have many friends for that reason. He was astonished by all that. So she preferred to stay away from him. Punarvasu often lived in the company of new, not-so-smart, few but efficient except his old friends. In this case, the majority of the opinion was that the defectors in the were keeping him away from the smart kids. But if I ask, I know the reason. He told me about this. His old friends were never able to answer his question, so he had spread the word as a fever to the head. On the other side, some of the friends were free of heart, were not prejudiced and most importantly, they had affection and Respect for him. Therefore, it is often not liked by old friends. Gima was unaware of the reason and was also a victim of prejudice about Punarvasu circulated by his old friends as well as krutika. She believed them without using her own wisdom, without knowing the reason behind it, wrong assumptions, I don't know why people do these seminars. This is why Gima did not like Punarvasu very much. Next she talked about the krutika’s action. She too had believed the rumors circulated earlier. But I had cleared up the misunderstanding. But at that time, she seemed to be real. In the same period he asked Gima for love, but the rumors about Punarvasu of Krutika had affected her at that time. That is why she flatly refused him. At the seminar Gima talks about, she refuses to believe Kritika's words. . Then I realized that her misunderstanding was completely gone. Then I was free to explain the reason for the strange behavior of punarvasu. she had seen the strange behavior too of him and understood the truth, the beautiful reason behind it. She came to this conclusion. Her misgivings were also removed and prejudice was gone. But even then Gima was not in love with him or until now she did not accept this fact. Once again both of them were quiet. But in jealousy Gima was also unhappy with Talia. The thing that bothered Talia so much was that Punarvasusu's heart broke, because even though he had not met his love for her, he was trying to meet Gima's love. The tears in her eyes were saying this. But she was not hiding these tears. We just kept walking to look at her.